Ponsse Buffalo Forwarder ***SOLD*** - SOLD SOLD
- 2010
- 1637-14
- Northcentral USA
- Aaron
2010 Ponsse Buffalo Double Bunk 8 Wheel Forwarder. Hour meter reads 11,000 hours, Mercedes engine, runs & starts well, preheat system, auto grease, new grapple, boom & grapple cylinders all in good working order, tight center section, mast is in good shape. Strong hydraulics and drive system, blade and bogies are in good condition, bogies resealed recently. 710 tires @ 80%. Heat, A/C, radio, and work lights. Well maintained and recently inspected by Ponsse and found to be in good condition throughout. Contact Aaron @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Machine is located in Northcentral USA. ***SOLD***