CAT 580 Harvester with a 2001 Logmax 7000 Head ***SOLD*** - SOLD SOLD
- 2000
- 760-5
- 11800
- Northeast USA
- Aaron
2000 CAT 580 Harvester with a 2001 Logmax 7000 Head. This machine has 11,800 hours, CAT 6cyl engine, runs and starts good, strong hydraulics, new pump 400 hours ago, bogies in good working condition, tight center, this machine has an updated 2001 Loxmax head with newer rollers, grab arms are tight, boom is solid, squirt not working, new coder, new measuring wheel, lever is working, computer in good order, heat, and A/C, tires are 700s @ 80% with tracks and chains. Contact Aaron @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Machine is located in Northeast USA. ***SOLD***