Sprout Waldron Pellet Mill - $42,500

Sprout Waldron 

  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
  • Sprout Waldron 
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  • Red Pine EquipmentRed Pine Equipment
  • Specifications   -  $42,500
    • Sprout Waldron

    • Unknown
    • 1763-2
    • Northcentral USA
    • Erik

    Sprout Waldron Pellet Mill. This is a turnkey Pellet Making Operation. The grinder system includes a bin for loading shavings to feed the hammer mill. The hammer mill, feed conveyor, and auger in the feed bin are controlled with sensing units so that the mill cannot be over fed and jam up. As the amps on the hammer mill climb the feed auger slows, when the amps reach a pre-set limit the feed conveyor stops to allow the hammer mill to catch up. This is all 3 phase 240v components. The hammer mill has a ¼” screen, which is the correct size for the pellet system. It has a 40 HP motor. There is a small 220v blower which takes the feed stock out of the chamber, the hammer mill fills and feeds it into the hopper above the pellet mill. There is a 30’ out feed conveyor that the pellets fall onto out of the pellet mill, which also has a variable speed control and is reversible. There are misc. spare parts included. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northcentral USA.

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    (218) 720-0933
    Sprout Waldron Pellet Mill