Western Star 6 Axle Log Truck ***SOLD*** - SOLD SOLD
Specifications - SOLD
Western Star
6 Axle
- 2013
- 1460-12
- Northcentral USA
- Aaron
2013 Western Star 6 Axle Log Truck with 5 Axle Pup Trailer. Storm clean up / debris boxes available. This Truck has Charmers suspension, fresh in-frame overhaul, 2 Lift axles, front steerable 18 speed trans mission, Detroit Series 60 engine, runs and starts good, Serco 8500 loader tight boom and grapple, 300,000 miles. 1996 Express 5 axle pup Trailer. Good brakes and tires. Contact Aaron @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northcentral USA. ***SOLD***