Hood Slasher/Loader For Sale

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Chevrolet C20 with 1979 Hood 12000 Loader & 52" Slasher

Chevrolet C20 with 1979 Hood 12000 Loader & 52" Slasher

1987 Chevrolet C20 with 1979 Hood 12000 Loader & 52" Slasher. Odometer reads 38,000 original miles, originally a water tanker for a county. 13 speed with a 454 Detroit. 1979 Hood loader needs a new head gasket, currently leaking. Front window in loader could also be replaced along with batteries. 52" slasher is in good condition, has quick disconnects to the loader. Heat, radio, fan, and lights. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northcentral USA.

Hood 12000 1979
Hood S-182 Self Propelled Loader

Hood S-182 Self Propelled Loader

2000 Hood S-182 Self Propelled. Hour meter reads 1,956 hours, hours are estimated to be closer to 12,500. Daewoo 6 cyl. engine. Boom and 360 grapple have tight pins and bushings. Live heel. Lever controls, heat, A/C, and lights. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northeast USA.

Hood S-182 2000
Hood 24000 Self-Propelled Loader ***SOLD***

Hood 24000 Self-Propelled Loader ***SOLD***

1999 Hood 24000 Self-Propelled Loader. John Deere 6068T engine is newer, with 1,400 hours. Hour meter reads 14,000 hours. 28Lx26 tires estimated at 80%, Double diamond ice chains, estimated at 50%. 60" Hood slasher table, with new Rexroth saw motor. Rotobec 6606 grapple. Heat & A/C. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Canada. ***SOLD***

Hood 24000 1999
Hood 24000 Loader with a Hood 60" Slasher Trailer Mounted

Hood 24000 Loader with a Hood 60" Slasher Trailer Mounted

2013 Hood 24000 Loader with a Hood 60" Slasher Trailer Mounted. This equipment has a John Deere 6068 6.8L engine, runs and starts good, hour meter reads 7,704 hours, strong hydraulics and cylinders, tight boom and 360 grapple, live heel, slasher table 8' 12' 16', straight disc and good teeth, dual outriggers, tight joy stick controls. Heat, A/C, and lights. Carrier has good brakes and tires, carrier has a bunk that can hold 12 cords. Also has a tow dolly for the woods. Contact Aaron @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Machine is located in Northcentral USA.

Hood 24000 2013
Hood 24000 Self Propelled Log Loader with Propac Slasher

Hood 24000 Self Propelled Log Loader with Propac Slasher

2004 Hood 24000 Self Propelled Log Loader with Propac Slasher. John Deere 6068 engine starts and runs good. Loader is on a Hagan carrier, with a Rotobec loader and Propac slasher saw. 28000 swing bearing. 2 hydro boards, set up for 4', 8', and bunks to 16'-6". Will cut up to 24' logs. Pilot controls. Heat. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northeast USA.

Hood 24000 2004
Hood S182 Self Propelled Loader

Hood S182 Self Propelled Loader

1995-96 Hood S182 Self Propelled Loader. This equipment has a John Deere 6068T engine, runs and starts good, 7,094 hours, strong hydraulics and cylinders, drive system is in good working order, air brakes, tight boom and grapple, Hood 360 continuous grapple, lever controls, solid carrier, heat, and lights. Contact Erik @ Red Pine Equipment 218-720-0933. Equipment is located in Northcentral USA.

Hood S182 1995